Sunday, February 7, 2010


I started laying flooring this weekend, but the cold I've been nursing all week really developed Saturday, so all I could get done was the closet floor before I collapsed into bed the rest of the day.  It's a 3/4"
 handscraped solid oak - not too difficult to lay down if you're careful (which means I have to move slow).  I didn't want to feel rushed by renting a flooring nailer at $40-$50 daily, so I bought one at Harbor Freight (everybody needs a flooring nailer, right?).  I'll just sell it when I'm done.
Mario is helping Pat & I snap a chalk line nice and straight between the two rooms.  After I screw a cleat down on this line, I'll be able to lay the wood floor in a straigh line between the rooms.  Once the boards are down in one direction, I'll remove the cleat, pop a batten into the groove, and flip the boards around to finish.
Pat's making sure I don't screw anything up.  Between the two of us we usually do a good job making sure the other doesn't do anything too dumb.  Now once I get over this cold I'll be ready to crank out this project - thanks Pat!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Looks great! Can't believe how quickly you're moving. And yuck to laying floor.
