My parents drove up (flew low altitude) from Phoenix to see their grandson Friday and came straight to the hospital since we were still stuck there. I took them home Friday night late, and realized I had almost nothing to eat in the house. My poor old folks made peanut butter toast for dinner, and washed it down with water since I didn't even have a decent beverage. They also ate this for breakfast Saturday morning before heading to the hospital.
Katie was finally discharged from the hospital Saturday, which moved at the typical bureaucratic pace (I can't wait for the federal gubment to try running the show...). We finally arrived home about 3pm. My folks made a huge grocery run so we had meals, and I had all the family over for dinner that night.
Last night was a little rough - my only mission was to get Katie some sleep (she didn't really sleep Monday-Friday nights, and was in bad shape). Tommy was fussy early, so Katie fed him frequently until he barfed milk all over. I got a quick lesson in how to pacify an infant, and she ended up with several hours of sleep. I commented this morning that we had a rough first night - Katie corrected me that it was MY first night...
Enjoy the photos
My nephew Patrick was highly entertained by the medical tape up to the point where Uncle Jon had to rip it off his face...