Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ah the State Fair

We met right after work, and began the evening with a children's farm exhibit.

"Feeding" the "cow"

"Milking" the "Cow"

Learning where vegetables come from

The John Deere Hit n' miss!

Henry enjoying all the rides

Tom's checking tire placement - a very important off-road skill

Hot air balloon ride with Aunt Wiz

Henry's favorite ride

Off camera, Henry's holding me in a death-grip.  I can't believe I got this picture on the carousel

Big Charlie, enjoying the sites & sounds

Henry excited for another ride

Once it gets going he settles in a bit

Gorgeous late-summer/early fall evening!

I asked for my money back when the Devil Child's mom wasn't part of the show.

Watching the tower-drop ride with inner terror
Telling me it's "Ny Turn!" 

Waiting for the ferris wheel with mommy

there they are!

Beautiful sunset

Me, trapping Wiz in line so she can't change her mind about the "zipper".  Easily the scariest ride at the fair, the only one I think is worth the trip.

Charlie catching some quick z's


Tommy was running all through the goats & sheep baaaaaaa-ing.  I guess he's seen enough Shaun the Sheep to know what they sound like. 
Charlie was inspired by all the natural barn activity to fill his own shorts.  It's noteworthy to mention he could be smelled above the animals at that moment...

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