Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm a bad blogger

I've been very delinquent in keeping our blog up-to-date because life is so busy right now.  I've been to Denver twice now in the last month, once for Grandma Shirley's funeral and once for work.  My sales market is very busy without sales trips to drum up more business, so not only did work pile up while I was out, but I had a very productive trip and created more work than normal and am a little stressed.  While Katie is certainly Tommy's primary care giver, it takes a lot of energy and time to care for him and I'm pretty tired right now.  Lastly, Pat and I are racing to get some outside projects done before fall/winter set in.  I haven't taken any photos yet, but I managed to get the side-yard sodded where the tree was removed, and I painted and replaced trim on our shed as it was in disrepair.  We also sodded Pat's backyard, and removed a bunch of soil from his front yard in preparation for laying a brick patio this coming weekend.

Katie goes to a Bible study on Tuesday nights, and my plan was to play with Tommy, feed him, bathe him, and put him to sleep in time to update the blog with some videos from my new video camera.  (One of my clients gave me a digital video camera as a thank-you for my services - nice huh?).  I raced home and took some videos around the house before Katie left to post later tonight.  Tommy did not cooperate with my plans, so I just barely sat down to blog.  Katie just got home and commented that my problem is I continue to make plans with an infant around... she may be right.  Unfortunately, while I was learning how to use everything I deleted all my videos but one, taken last night.

Enjoy this crummy video, but look for more to follow soon.
