Sunday, January 22, 2012

I enjoy being an uncle...

Patrick is really into stories right now, not even from a book, but just any story someone's willing to tell him.  Today at lunch he was asking his dad for a story from when he was a baby.  I couldn't resist, and told him he was actually born with no legs, and that we had to sew legs onto his body.  'Patrick, you know that line you see  around your waist sometimes when you change your clothes? That's the seam where Grandpa had to attach your legs'.

Patrick replied, 'No, papa's already told me that story'...

I tried again.  'You're right Patrick, you were actually born without a face.  We had to transplant parts of Grandma's dogs onto your face.  You know why Kira doesn't have any teeth?  We put those into your mouth.'

Patrick replied with an emphatic "No!".  'Patrick, do you like chasing cats?'  Yup.  'That's because you're part dog'.  You could tell he was just a little worried...  Man I love being an uncle.


Jason Addink said...


This is the life said...

You're awful!

Not nice...

ya terd.


This is the life said...

Pick on someone your own size... silly Jonathan.

Elizabeth said...

He WAS NOT worried, in fact, I think Patrick would think it was the awesomest thing in the world to be part dog, he's just too smart to believe you :)

Unknown said...

Cruel but funny.
