Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tom & Tommy

My dad came to visit this last weekend.  It was pretty low-key, (but that's our life right now) though we did manage to take him to Maddox for dinner and had a great visit.  We did a terrible job of taking pictures, but I'll share what we do have below. 

Tommy's sick again and last Saturday was really tough - I think we (my poor dad included) got about 2 hours sleep that night.  He's recovering quickly though (Tommy, but probably dad too), and I might even dare say we've turned a corner with sleep.  He had the flu last month.  He was through the worst of it in a day or two, but it really took a couple weeks to shake it completely.  He lost a little weight, but packed on 24 ounces in less than a week and is nice and chubby again.

Enjoy the few pictures we have.

Sleeping on Aunt Wiz
Munching a rice noodle

Long eyelashes - such a pretty boy
Tommy's a big stander - he can pull himself up!
Almost a little boy now
Teething, so he drools and sticks out his tongue a lot.
Laughs like his dad
Tired - try sleeping Tommy...
Typicaly quick to laugh, even when tired.
Ready for bed.  Mom & Dad are ready for some sleep...
He's a big jumper
Sunday AM, sick, having not slept much at all, but looks deceptively good.

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