Monday, March 1, 2010

What the heck?

I get 7 comments from you people about regarding my baby-furniture tirade, but you rarely have anything to say about my reg-alur, non-tirading posts?  I'll have to air my grievances more often as it seems this is what my public demands...

I'll take requests for my next rant here:


Sarah said...

Sheesh! Give a girl a break, I just saw the last post! Nice job on the floors, looks amazing! What color are you going to paint the drawer fronts? Is that the master? I would enjoy some rants on the cost of diapers vs just letting the rug rat go au natural in the backyard.

ahijon said...

Ah yes, otherwise known as the "commando style". It would have to be in the backyard due to my germ aversions. I am quite serious though about hosing the boy off in the backyard between diaper changes - I'm not real big on the whole poop thing.

Elizabeth said...

Oh buddy, you better get used to it. We'll let you have Patrick for a week or two while potty training and then you can REALLY deal with poop. Baby poop won't look as bad to you after that. Also, there's nothing to say in your regular old posts, when in the heck do you comment on my blog??!!?! Also, can you make that bacon please?
