Monday, May 10, 2010

Gigantic jig-saw puzzle

There are currently 146 pieces of finish trim in my garage, waiting to be installed in the nursery: 13 pieces of baseboard, 47 rails (for wall panels), 48 wall panels, 13 pieces of top rail (to cap the panels), 15 pieces of door casing (for 5 closet, storage, and hall doors), 10 pieces of window casing (5 pieces per 2 windows). 

Every piece is cut and marked so I know where to install later.  I use a little plane to chamfer all the corners.

I had Home Depot tint the primer.  The guy tinted it with 25% of the same pigment as the paint color, which made it "man-cave" pink...  I'm guessing all my neighbors are thoroughly confused as to whether we're having a boy or girl now.  As it turns out the pink primer was way too light and shows through the first coat of paint quite well.  I should have had him tint the primer dark-grey...

Yes, Pat came over to help, but I was unsuccessful at ambushing him with the camera this time.

Pat and Brandon came over yesterday evening to help me put the first coat of paint on.  It's going to be much darker than what you see here, after 3 coats, ugh.  Even with their help it takes about 2 hours to paint all the pieces.
I know the most cultured among my readers are impressed with all my saw-horses.  Regrettably, I only own 7, and am borrowing 4 more from my neighbor.


Elizabeth said...

You guys amaze me! I would NEVER take on a project like that, although maybe that's why my home is the way it is and you are the only one who has ever done any significant work on it :) Good job though, that room is going to look AMAZING, I can't wait to see the finished the product. It has been so fun to actually be around to watch one of your homes transform before my very eyes!

Jason Addink said...

Is it ready yet? You only have about 2 weeks to go! WOOOO HOOOO! Can't wait to see pictures (and then someday in person) see baby Thomas. -Paige
